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The company focuses on designing and producing electric heaters with high temperature and long service life. In order to solve the problems of short service life, low thermal efficiency, and construction difficulties in high-temperature electric tracing, DNR has successfully developed ultra-fine MI heaters and ultra long high-temperature heaters, which have high-quality electrical performance and high stability, helping customers complete complex application challenges.
Product Parameters:
- Length Range: 10mm-5000mm
- Diameter Range: Ø1.0mm-Ø6.0mm
- Power: 80-300w/m
- Cross section Style: Circle, semicircle, ellipse, rectangle, square...
- Flexible components to solve construction difficulties and pain points of poor surface fitting in complex areas.
- Ø1.0-Ø2.0 micro MI, solving the pain points of difficult electric heat tracing construction and insufficient surface fitting for micro tube and valves.
- Rectangular cross-section, heat transfer area from "line" to "surface".
- Four core MI, solving the pain point of short service life of high-temperature heat tracing heaters.
- Multi stranded wire MI, solving the pain point of short service life of high-temperature heat tracing heaters.